About the Intros category

hello world , come form CHINA

ahoj :slight_smile: , dúfam, že si stále tu aktívny a že si nezanevrel na tento projekt :wink:

hello world from Canada,

I have been working on some visualizations of the Dfinity logo and would like to share with anyone looking for media to go alongside technical slides or blogposts etc…

Hi everybody! :slight_smile:

Have been a reader without an account for quite some time and just decided to sign up (also because I need some help haha )

Hi, I am from Pakistan. I am very passionate about the Internet Computer ecosystem and want to learn and build real-world projects.

Hi from Pennysvalnia, USA. I have a question: I accidentally clicked stop dissolve and then clicked start dissolve again. It said you will loose your age bonus. What does that mean? Will i still get double ICP tokens at the end of 8 years?

Hello from Syracuse, New York!

Hello ICP’ers, im from Denmark. And im here to stay, hang around and learn as much as i can.
Sometime in the future, i will love to become a developer and begin to Build with the rest of you guys on ICP.

Hello everyone i am from Pakistan

Hello world please where can I get friends to help me debug so me ReactJs codes

Hello Everyone am Koksi-cyber. A new developer on the ICP blockchain
Hope am welcome here


I participated in the last motoko bootcamp and I live in Switzerland.

I’m still learning and I hope to launch my own tools soon on IC

Hello friends I’m Mahdi from Somalia. I’m so glad to be part of this wonderful community. Lets build and contribute for better www :v:t4:

Hi everyone. I’m Juan Pablo from Argentina, and I’m here to learn whatever I can about de IC, and also share my knowledge with others.

Thank you for sharing.

Hello from Johannesburg, South Africa

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Hi everyone from Switzerland, I am playing around IC & Motoko from my Windows WSL2 instance!

Hi there, I am posting a message here hoping I’ll be able to contribute to other parts of the forum. I’m Fred, a developer. I did one motoko bootcamp. I’m currently playing with the rust canister-sdk from bitfinity-network… it looks like the best option to do tdd

Hello everyone, I discovered ICP earlier this year in January, nothing like starting the year off right :muscle: ! Gone from Zero to Dapp, now looking to see what to build for real or continue to pitch away at a project idea I started during bootcamp; a platform that allows people to create challenges that can be solved by implementing a solution in a canister with bounties for winning solution(s) and rewards for submitters; I am really impressed and glad I came across Svelte mentioned in the examples; my frontend of choice going forward, thank you DFINITY for ICP and the opportunity to be part of the greater community of ICP developers!