Hello World from the UK

Hello my fellow Dfinians…
Welcome to the Dfinity Discourse community!

I’m Gregory, a Creative from London.
My journey with Dfinify began nearly two years ago. Whilst the whitepaper captured my imagination, it was really the admin team and community that earnt my admiration… I can’t remember how many questions I asked, but there was always answers and help available. It’s this combination of vision, tech and community that made Dfinity the logical canvas for me.

If a project is only as good as it’s community, then Dfinity must be great!

On that note, please take moment to familiarize yourself with the Discourse bot @discobot - it’ll help you learn the ropes quickly! :sunglasses:

Now that the Dfinity SDK Alpha has been released, I’m looking forward to getting to know other members of community and discovering the projects they’re working on. So feel free to say hi!

As for me, I’m currently focused on Countersigner, a decentralized financial ecosystem.
Although, I’m sure to make time to be creative!

  • classified - section nine clearance required!

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.


Hello Im Ronin and want learn more Dfinity

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.