About lack of safety at the forum and the factual infestation by the scammers here!

To me in this particular case it is not a matter of personal responsibility or otherwise!
It goes without saying that those who have become victims of schemers would find that there no one to really help them.

It is a matter of what this forum can or cannot do in good faith to minimize risk for those who came to it to get some help with ICP. To get blindly robbed just because of some hypocritical puritanical attitude of the administration of the forum is a pity IMHO.

Not a matter of personal responsibility? Iā€™m sorry that you feel that way and it clearly shows that you arenā€™t ready to be involved in crypto. Do you rely 100% on your bank to keep you from sending someone you online banking info? I donā€™t comprehend how you expect others to protect your investments when you canā€™t be bothered to look out for them yourself.

Unfortunately, I see that after you have read written by me: " It goes without saying that those who have become victims of schemers would find that there no one to really help them." you completely misunderstood my point.

It just that at this forum from the very beginning one can find that actually: " Every man for himself."
Even if it would cost nothing at least not to set up a newcomer to become an easy pray.
There is nothing new in the tactic of turning blame on a victim.

The word forum in English comes from Latin forum meaning ā€œmarketplace, open space, public place.ā€ So here we go, treat the people you meet in the forum the same way you would in a public place - this is what I always do.

I have gotten the notion that for some here it is at least kind of fun to see newcomers get robbed. Especially due to actually created here very conducive situation. May be it is helping to increase sense of self esteem. Empathy is not necessarily characteristic for everyone.
Way to go!

Because of this thread, we actually poked around the forum settings a bit more and now configured it such that you need trust level 2 to add external links in your posts/DMs, and raised some DM requirements. Letā€™s hope this helps a bit.

Hi @Severin,

Is there any specific requirements to achieve trust level 2 on this forum? Asking because Iā€™m still ā€œBasicā€ user (trust level 1), but I already meet the requirements to be a ā€œMemberā€ user (trust level 2) mentioned on official discourse blog: blog .discourse.org/2018/06/understanding-discourse-trust-levels.


After writing this reply, I received a message saying that I became a member, even though I already met the requirements for membership. It seems there might be some issues with the forum settings. For example, on my Summary page, it shows that I have ā€œ0 topics created,ā€ but when I click on it, it shows my topic.

I donā€™t know, Iā€™m only a mod, not an admin. @Ang can you answer this?

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Your account is already Trust Level 2, ā€œmemberā€ is the same as Trust Level 2. I can see youā€™ve created one topic when viewing your profile. Let me know if you have any other questions about your account status.

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