Yarn does not automatically install @dfinity/candid and @dfinity/principal when installing @dfinity/agent

I noticed today that using npm to install @dfinity/agent also installs @dfinity/candid and @dfinity/principal, but yarn doesn’t:

yarn add --dev @dfinity/agent
warning " > @dfinity/agent@0.9.2" has unmet peer dependency "@dfinity/candid@^0.9.2".
warning " > @dfinity/agent@0.9.2" has unmet peer dependency "@dfinity/principal@^0.9.2".

I had to add them manually with: yarn add --dev @dfinity/candid @dfinity/principal.

Any idea why?

We decided to break them into separate packages so you have the option to use only the parts that are necessary to your application. There are some limited situations where @dfinity/agent can be used independently, and we want to support keeping bundle sizes as small as possible