Why did DFINITY obscure Community Fund Details on SNS Dashboard and NNS Front end UI

Man you need to go touch grass right now. Get a life or maybe at least a hobby ! There is a limit to everything and you just passed it. Spamming the forum is what children do.
With that said, new users are confused enough with the Launch Pad from the NNS as is right now. Every project lists a link to their website and there you can find all the info you need in order to support them or not.
Instead maybe try and educate new users of the platform on how easy Dfinity makes to opt in and out of the Neuron’s Fund and about exposing Maturity. If you don’t want to support any SNS project fine let the rest of people decide.


I usually refrain from commenting on such threads because they often seem more like trolling than constructive discussions to me, no offense.

However, the claim mentioned above bothered me enough to respond. I’d like to clarify that all the changes and details are already public!

So, you’ve got the details, feel free to dig into it.


My main point here was that all the relevant details are already accessible through the links I’ve shared. As for the rest, as mentioned earlier, I avoid participating in threads which I personally find unproductive like this one, so I won’t be contributing further.

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Not sure how you vote or if you vote at all, but as David said everything was public. I always check any changes to the NNS and build it locally and vote accordingly or state my concern regarding something while it is not decided yet. If you don’t like something and want to change it just make a proposal to change it to the way you want it and wait to be reviewed and voted on.

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Ok then, please wait for official answer on why, am sure someone will provide it in the end. Doesn’t help speed it up if you just repeat it over and over.

@peterparker I’ve already acknowledged that DFINITY didn’t remove the CF contribution in the SNS launchpad as it was obscured from the start. Regardless of @Ivan spamming in the thread, it doesn’t change the fact that obscuring such important info in the SNS launchpad page of each project is a bad look for DFINITY.

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This message is probably only interesting to @ivan, so I’ll hide the original in an edit. It’s a strategy that seems to work for the Goon Squad. In fact, someone should flag this as off topic, since it is. That will also hide it except for a simple button push for the curious that think it might add a new perspective to the conversation.

@wpb How about you stop trying to censor people because you don’t agree with them? Resorting to ad hominem attacks like “goon squad” is worse than spamming threads because DFINITY refuses to answer valid questions.

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This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 8 hours.

Maybe it’s time to close this thread. @ivan can’t keep the conversation focused on his own topic. He keeps wanting to talk about off topic issues and wants to do it with 5000 posts.

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This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.