Can someone provide his steps from creating a dfx project, write code, test it, deploy it to prod?
As of my understanding there are no test nets running and devs use dfx to start a local replica. All good until you need to interact with different types of canisters that are not present on your local network generated by dfx.
What is the best approach of having an identical ic network ledger/nns/etc canister running on your local network and how can you interact with it from motoko?
There is a lot of confusion involving this interaction, I see people talk about using rosetta / using github libs with vessel, manually deploy a wasm file downloaded from somewhere not very specific. And if you manage to find a way of using any of these approaches you seem to be required to do further configs to these canisters using dfx calls.
For example I’m using a docker image(Your IC Starter: Dockerfile with ledger and NNS installed) that was made public by infinity swap and when I try to call the function from my terminal using
fx canister call --query “rkp4c-7iaaa-aaaaa-aaaca-cai” get_icp_xdr_conversion_rate
I run into this error
Error: The Replica returned an error: code 5, message: “IC0503: Canister rkp4c-7iaaa-aaaaa-aaaca-cai trapped explicitly: Panicked at ‘icp_xdr_conversion_rate is not set’, nns/cmc/src/”
When I try to call the function through candid ui by calling a func in my main actor that calls (bare with me) an actor(“rkp4c-7iaaa-aaaaa-aaaca-cai”) I get this error
Fail to verify certificate
I believe these steps are mandatory to be documented and not have such crucial info split among forum/discord/github/docs.
I also have a big confusion of how should I develop and test my frontend for a functionality that uses internet identity as being on a Ubuntu machine, not having biometrics or any other compatbile security keys.
Anyway, I would appreciate if someone could tell me/us how we can mimic the ic network locally. Thank you!