Hello I made this account because of Dom’s recent tweet, https://twitter.com/dominic_w/status/1588238907124097024. He promoting ICLight.house which if fine, but the link is to the OT/ICP trading pair. I believe the OT token, ICOrcle’s token is scam. I’m worried people will click the link and trade their ICP for useless tokens.
Here is my reasoning:
- ICOrcle website’s disclaimer text is tiny and the color blends in with the background. I can’t find any info about any real people behind the project.
- Their twitter was made in August 2022.
- Their GitHub repo is empty. There is no relevant code about oracles and data feeds, just a readme and their token. Why make a token, when you have nothing to show for it?
Below are the links to their stuff:
Website: https://cfhuv-raaaa-aaaak-aczha-cai.raw.ic0.app/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/icoracle_io
GitHub: GitHub - eleven-cat/ICOracle: Decentralized oracle network on IC blockchain.