View total follower voting power of neuron

I was looking at a few dashboards of neurons to try and see what kind of voting power they had, and I didn’t seem to be able to find the true total voting power, including the voting power of all followers of a neuron.

Is this possible? I think it is an important metric that would help us all in understanding the decentralization and generally the voting power distribution of the NNS.


In percentage of total voting power of all neurons would be nice as well.

Since there is no interface for iterating through all of the neurons known to Governance, which would be required to build a graph of follower relationships, and more importantly the followee list of a neuron is not public information, there is no way to determine the “total effective voting power”.

But there’s another wrinkle. We could add an effective_voting_power query to Governance, and ask governance to internally build this graph and calculate the voting power, but this would only provide total potential votes. The number of actual votes that will be cast due to a neuron voting yes or no could be different, resulting in multiple different voting powers.

For example, let’s say I hold neuron A, and another neuron B follows both me and C. If I vote no, neuron B will also vote no; but if I vote yes, neuron B will only vote yes if C also votes yes. So my total voting power only definitely includes B’s voting power when I vote no, and potentially includes B’s voting power if I vote yes. And although my yes vote doesn’t determine B’s yes vote, depending on the number of B’s followees, it might be required for B to be able to vote yes.

This causes several circumstances to hold for each follower:

  • My no will force my follower to vote no.
  • My no will not force my follower to vote no, but they won’t vote yes if I vote no. They will either abstain or vote no depending on the other neurons they follow.
  • My no will potentially cause my follower to vote no, but won’t determine it. They could still abstain or vote yes, depending on their other followees.
  • My yes will force my follower to vote yes.
  • My yes will potentially cause my follower to vote yes, but won’t determine it. They could still abstain or vote no, depending on their other followees.

This is due to the fact that in presence of multiple followees, it requires half voting no for me to vote no, but more than half voting yes for me to vote yes.


My two cents: To be fair, in practical terms I think if each neuron has a minimum and maximum possible voting power range, it would satisfy Jordan’s intent. I would not be surprised if the ranges are small for most neurons.


Thanks @diegop, yes just knowing the maximum potential voting power I think would be very useful for starters.


We could compute the voting power that the neuron commands (if I vote X, this amount will vote X); the voting power the neuron enables (if I vote X, it allows this amount to vote X); and the voting power the neuron influences (if I vote X, it is factored into the votes of this amount).

For example, if a neuron with a million ICP follows me and a hundred other neurons, my voting power is certainly not a million ICP — I neither determine nor sway that giant neuron — but it would count into the third figure, since my vote does count a little bit into how that neuron will vote.


A slightly-off-topic, but related question: is there a straightforward way to query the voting history of a neuron?

This seems important to help potential followers determine whether they’d like to follow a given neuron.

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You can go to this URL and see recent voting history. Replace 1 with the neuron ID.


I’m interested in these types of questions too. I think it’s very important for the community to understand how much voting power neurons have through liquid democracy. It would be interesting to monitor proposals and see what neurons voted when there are big jumps in polling numbers. Hopefully it is possible to pick out the leading neuron and associate it with the total liquid democracy vote, but I’m not sure yet if that is possible. Any information that can come straight from the NNS governance canister would be even better.

I plan to apply for a Dfinity developers grant to develop a website focused on IC governance with features that provide clarity to the IC community regarding neuron voting history, empirical results regarding liquid democracy, links to all known community neuron information, etc. I’d even like it to have utilities that can serve community neurons such as polls, opinion article publications and/or blogs, etc. If anyone has ideas on what features should be built into this website that would add utility regarding governance to the IC community, then please let me know.


Hello everyone, I’m feeling awkward to express that I don’t know anything about coding, I’m trying to learn more and more about decentralised world, defi, blockchain technology and vice versa. Basically I’m a student of finance world…
love from India.

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Ah very good - wasn’t aware of this. Many thanks.

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