Upcoming Modclub SNS decentralization sale

Hi happy to answer all your questions!

Dfinity has explained that if we submitted a single proposal, the bug could still be triggered if another SNS project submitted their proposal concurrently.

We had an opportunity to resubmit today as no other teams have their SNS up. But Dfinity voted to pause SNS Proposals until the bug is fixed.

As you know our SNS Proposal was made invalid due to this NNS bug.

We’ve proposed a queueing system in a previous forum post and have reached out to other teams to collaborate. We’ve talked to the BOOMDAO team, they have been really great, and are happy to coordinate proposal submission order. However, not all teams have responded yet, which could still lead to potential issues.

Our proposal is a formal attempt to establish that queue. It’s not intended to disadvantage other projects but to facilitate orderly process. And allow us to continue our SNS Swap that was already in progress. From a technical perspective this issues should not have happened as we confirmed with Dfinity multiple times before we submitted the initial SNS proposal on Monday.

We hope this answers all your questions!

Modclub Team