Upcoming BOOM DAO SNS decentralization sale

If Tommy is behind this project, then I am all in. I thought this was a brand new project with brand new team.


By the logic on this thread anyone whoā€™s been around the ecosystem building can SNS any project and no one is allowed to question their motives.

Fact is boom dao is a brand new project created specifically to raise money and community can see that and that is why there is a lot of negativity around this thread.

Iā€™ll be voting no on Boom Dao because I just donā€™t see the value.

If youā€™ve been in this ecosystem building for 2 years than SNS that project that you built. Sell that project to the nns.

No? Why ?

To me, this feels like you all think the SNS is up for grabs free money.


Very bullish on BoomDAO. They will offer 40% of the total token supply to the community. This is the largest amount ever allocated to the community in an SNS sale, and it will maximize BOOMā€™s decentralized governance.
I appreciate their mission to power the next generation of fully on-chain games, drive mainstream adoption of the Internet Computer blockchain, and provide a collaborative hub for all things web3 gaming.
This is a great project for the IC community.


A short synopsis of BOOM DAO that I hope can cover a couple of concerns I see commonly in the reply threads so far:

1.) BOOM DAO is a project created and ran by (unsure if Iā€™m missing anyone) tommy.icp and Wenzel Barlett (ICP Maximalist). Both are longtime community members, and have been very active in both the gaming community via Plethora and through the SNS voting system. Regardless of when the twitter page was created, these are not new developers to the ICP ecosystem.

2.) The overall goal of BOOM DAO is to provide means for developers to work together and pool resources / ideas. Over the past couple years, projects like Eimolad, Cubetopia, Fae Folk, and Obsidian Tears have all been working separately to build on-chain games, and have often been running into similar problems along the way. BOOM DAO is infrastructure for developers and community members to work together and share knowledge / information to help grow the ecosystem of gaming on the IC.


How will Boom dao be profitable to people who buy into it? Or to the neuron fund?

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Most of the stuff on that roadmap is fairly basic and the core team behind this has already received $300,000+ in grant funding. I donā€™t think this requires an SNS, nor should a recently formed group be immediately racing to the SNS.

Am I happy Tommy is producing tooling? Absolutely. Heā€™s a hell of a unity developer. Do I think this is SNS worthy? No.

If anyone cares to discuss, especially the OGs, you all know exactly who I am and how to reach me. I hope everyone does their research.


Iā€™m just now reading this thread for the first time and wanted to offer a quick clarification about this commentā€¦@icpmaximalist and I are different people. Iā€™ve worked closely with him in the past and can vouch for his integrity and skill as a strong community leader. It wouldnā€™t be appropriate for me to take credit for the success heā€™s had at building web3 communities and gaming projects. I have long been active in the ICP Maximalist Network on Telegram, but have no role in Plethora or Boom DAO.


Hey @atomikm and @icpmaximalist and other partners and contributors for Boom DAO. This is a very exciting SNS opportunity. In my opinion, this kind of decentralized organization stepping up to become a strong contributor to gaming development on ICP is a perfect fit for SNS. There are a lot of well respected OG people and projects identified as partners or contributors for Boom DAO, so it seems well positioned to become an essential and decentralized gaming resource for the ICP ecosystem. You have my vote. Keep up the great work. I look forward to seeing how gaming continues to develop on the IC.


(post deleted by author)

I think because the project has a treasury with a grant program and there is no product being shipped with the SNS, allocating 33% to team is inappropriate.

Because of the 23% allocation to the treasury you are basically giving your self majority voting power over the treasury. in return the SNS is getting the promise that you will do a really good job with it. This is the opposite of decentralization and the opposite of what the SNS is supposed to be.

At least with other projects the SNS has been getting an MVP product.

Lots of red flags here. Iā€™m not saying you are bad actors. Just think this needs to be reworked.


Most of the stuff on the roadmap includes unity template tooling, most of which shouldā€™ve been released with the $300,000+ in grants the core team has already received.

Building unity to WebGL and uploading it into an asset canister is not exactly that innovative. Useful? Sure. But itā€™s been done on the IC since 2021.

Pair this with the token allocations and youā€™ve got yourself some very strange justifications for considering this a good dao at this stage.

Why are you rushing this to the SNS?

Itā€™s a decent initiative, way to high of a valuation, especially when the team is taking 33% total. If this really is about the community, stop robbing them for your personal retirement fund.


(post deleted by author)

Fact is boom dao is a brand new project created specifically to raise money and community can see that and that is why there is a lot of negativity around this thread.

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It was one of the rewards for placing on the Metascore leaderboard in the second gaming hackathon hosted by DSCVR back in Sept 2021. That was a fun tournament. Not sure what it has to do with Boom DAO though. Seems off topic.


(post deleted by author)

Somehow we need to level up the gaming experience on the IC. This looks like a good way to do it. I know Dfinity has stated they are not competing with Bitcoin and Ethereum. The fact remains that what they built is superior and gaming is a great way to showcase it. It reaches the techies who are already on-chain AND the average idiots like myself who might not understand defi but can move arrow keys around and have a good time fighting monsters.

For transparency, I am a co-founder of the Obsidian Tears project. I came to the IC to build a great game after some of our old-time, favorite classics. Building in isolation with the new tech of the IC presented unique challenges. I turned outward for a long time looking for resources to build with. When we turned inward to the community instead, we found Tiagoā€”fan of the game, and an experienced, capable developer. It was exactly what we needed to push the project forward at that time. Boom DAO is a chance to make sure gaming projects have our experience, but streamlined. Decentralized, community-involved, and pooled resources mean fewer bottlenecks, and the best at the wheel. A rising tide lifts all ships. Sure there are other avenues. And I canā€™t speak for the token volume, I have no experience there. What I can speak for is my belief that aesthetics sell, and the IC needs some big names to start mentioning it in the world, or a rising draw to the idiots (like myself) to introduce them to blockchain.

Gaming is a good draw to the non-technical crowd. There are several barriers to this (gaming targeted to the layman), but the IC is best suited to tackle it, and a gaming DAO is a great place to do the tackling.

Imagine if a solution is presented that makes it easy for non-wallet/ICP holders to play a game. Then we can market to anyone. Then people have their feet wet and itā€™s much easier to introduce blockchain concepts from there. What if all the games on the IC benefited from that solution simultaneously? We could market to anyone. Those are the types of thoughts I have on thisā€¦I feel the infrastructure to incentivize collaborative gaming on the IC can bring the influx of new users we hope will someday come.


Just to clarify,

The Founding Team does not have 33%.

Treasury doesnā€™t count because it is not a Neuron, itā€™s an Account, and therefore it canā€™t vote.

They have 10%, 5% for Tommy, 5% for Max. Compensated by the Treasury tokens not voting, since they are in a liquid form, that gives roughly 13.7%.

They vest for 2 years, then start to be disbursed every month for the next 2 years, with a disolve delay of 6 months.

They put a big effort on being decentralized from the start.

Please see attachment as proof:

Because you mentioned 23% and not 27% (the real % of Treasury) maybe you meant that founding partners are the same as founding team, which is not. It will be independently controlled neurons. The full list of partners itā€™s in the website.

Hope this information is helpful.


That core team has been given $300,000+ in grants to deliver relatively simple things, they donā€™t need 5% of a token sale on the SNS.

Do your research.


Most of the people who support boomdao are new users?