Up to date example of intercanister calls?

The error you’re getting may be solved by running dfx start --clean --background (only needed once to clear the replica state after your dfx version change there).

But… the dfx version used for the linkedup repo is from a while back, and you might have issues with the frontend it tries to deploy a little further down that tutorial (@kpeacock?).

I’d try a simple multi-canister setup first. There’s an example here:

The dfx.json’s canister entries for that example could look something like this:

"canisters": {
  "canister1": {
    "main": "src/canister1/main.mo",
    "type": "motoko"
  "canister2": {
    "main": "src/canister2/main.mo",
    "type": "motoko"

See that same thread for calling canisters from other projects using their deployed canister id, and this may help too: