Unlock true blockchain operability with mu protocol

Project highlights

mu Protocol is a decentralized cloud framework that empowers developers to build, test, and deploy applications on blockchain (Web3) using familiar Web2 technologies. Written in Rust, mu Protocol delivers high performance and reliability for decentralized application development.


  • Rust-Powered Performance: Built with Rust for speed, safety, and concurrency.
  • Seamless Web2 to Web3 Transition: Use familiar tools and workflows to interact with decentralized infrastructure.
  • Decentralized Cloud Framework: Host and manage applications on a distributed network with high availability.
  • End-to-End Development: Simplify your Web3 app lifecycle from building to deploying.

How to install

Getting Started


  • [Rust] (version 1.70+ recommended)
  • [Cargo] (included with Rust)
  • [Docker] (for local development)
  • Basic knowledge of Rust or blockchain concepts (optional but helpful)


  1. Install with Cargo:
cargo install mu-cli

CLI Overview

Mu Protocol includes a powerful CLI to manage your project. Here’s a quick look at its usage:

Usage: mu <COMMAND>

  init      Initialize a new project
  function  Work with Mu functions
  frontend  Work with Mu frontends
  build     Build the project
  deploy    Deploy the project
  dev       Run the project in development mode
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

Quick Start Guide

Writing mu Functions

Functions are the core building blocks in mu Protocol. To create and deploy a simple “Hello, World” function:

  1. Initialize a New Project:
mu init my-web3-app
cd my-web3-app

  1. Add a new function:
mu function add hello-world

  1. Open the generated file in the functions/ directory and implement your logic in Rust.
  2. Test your function locally:
mu dev

  1. Deploy your function:
mu deploy

Working with Frontends

mu Protocol supports integrating Web2 frontends with decentralized backends. Use the frontend command to manage your frontend codebase.


mu Protocol is open-source software licensed under the [Apache 2.0 License]

Community & Support

  • Discord: Join our community for help and discussions.
  • GitHub Issues: Report bugs or request features.
  • Twitter: Follow us for the latest updates.

Happy Building with mu Protocol! :rocket:

I don’t quite understand how this differs from the normal IC project deployment process

I second the comment above. Why should we deploy on muProtocol as opposed to using DFX?



First of all, disclosures, I’m the founder of Mu :smiley:

Secondly, you are right of course in many senses it does look a lot like any IC project at first glance, at least for now. IC has been a source of inspiration for Mu and a core component, and it will certainly remain that way.

But the point is that Mu and IC have slightly different goals. What Mu aspires to be is basically a clone of the public cloud (AWS, GCP, Azure, and friends), giving developers and users an experience as close as possible as that of the cloud.

Yes, IC already achieves many of the things we want to achieve, such as removing the need of wallets for end users by the reverse-gas model and simplifying programmability. However we’re building services similar to those in the cloud like hosted databases and even a UI console to deploy your app, things that are outside the scope of IC.

We can’t deny that building and hosting a traditional “web2” app vs building and hosting apps using blockchain tech is quite different and impractical for most cases, despite the amazing advances done in the blockchain world. This is what we want to change.

We basically want to help people without blockchain/web3 background to build apps in the blockchain world without even knowing they are doing it. I know there are limitations and this is a rather long term goal, but I also know that most of the things are achievable today and that’s what we’re building. Of course we also want to make it better and easier for Web3 veterans.

Also, please I’m happy to hear any feedback, what could make Mu more useful and interesting and how we could actually become an alternative to the cloud. Any feedback is good! :smiley: