Typescript Token adapter

Hi guys,

I made this typescript library to help interacting with ICRC1 ICRC2 EXT DIP20 standard

you can use it like this

import { Token } from "@alpaca-icp/token-adapter";
import { HttpAgent } from "@dfinity/agent";

const agent = new HttpAgent({ host: "https://ic0.app" });

const token = new Token({
  canisterId: "ryjl3-tyaaa-aaaaa-aaaba-cai",
  tokenStandard: "ICP",

await token.balanceOf("wallet");
await token.getLogo();

There is some part is not done is for approve EXT and DIP20 tokens. If you have any example please let me know, I can update the library.

Feel free to make a PR for fix something