The invocation to the wallet call forward method failed with the error: An error happened during the call: 5: Canister m2kr7-waaaa-aaaah-aawoa-cai trapped: heap out of bounds

Upgrading code for canister token, with canister_id kmgvd-myaaa-aaaah-aacpq-cai
Module hash 2528e1761c7604a22a5b484a31e06364cbf02ce81cb3718f8a46de7bfb0d7e56 is already installed.
Upgrading code for canister token_bank, with canister_id raz3f-cqaaa-aaaah-aaa6a-cai
Module hash 2ab634661cac4e4b154cedc3cdc7a869579dd4a981f61bef137e635f02b631b1 is already installed.
Upgrading code for canister token_ics_new, with canister_id m2kr7-waaaa-aaaah-aawoa-cai
The invocation to the wallet call forward method failed with the error: An error happened during the call: 5: Canister m2kr7-waaaa-aaaah-aawoa-cai trapped: heap out of bounds


I don’t know how to deal with it. This is a new container. This problem still occurs frequently. This is a container used in production. I am very disappointed.

dfx canister --network ic uninstall-code m2kr7-waaaa-aaaah-aawoa-cai

dfx canister --network ic install m2kr7-waaaa-aaaah-aawoa-cai

should work.

I’m having the same issue. I tried running these lines you suggested and when I do, i get the following error:

`Creating a wallet canister on the ic network.
The replica returned an HTTP Error: Http Error: status 404 Not Found, content type “text/html”, content:

404 Not Found

404 Not Found

nginx/1.21.3 `

It’s the reason : HeapMap too big ?

I got the same issue.