Dfx deploy to IC error: The Replica returned an error: code 5, message: "Canister <id> trapped: stable memory out of bounds"

Hi all,

My first post, apologies if this has already been answered. I saw a couple of similar posts, but the solutions offered did not help.

Here’s the command and the output:

steve@MacBook-Pro-5 hello (master) $ dfx deploy hello --network ic --no-wallet
Deploying: hello
All canisters have already been created.
Building canisters...
Installing canisters...
Upgrading code for canister hello, with canister_id jhzj3-dqaaa-aaaag-aaa6a-cai
The Replica returned an error: code 5, message: "Canister jhzj3-dqaaa-aaaag-aaa6a-cai trapped: stable memory out of bounds"

The backstory is that I was following Kyle’s post here: Deploying Your First Canister (NNS dapp)

I have a canister with cycles:

steve@MacBook-Pro-5 hello (master) $ dfx canister --network ic --no-wallet status hello
Canister status call result for hello.
Status: Running
Controllers: mukio-ckxox-lztlx-vefkj-c3dlc-2sbpa-vwkov-rzk2k-72l5x-okm3t-eae sn3cz-jtkyo-ege6o-wxb6a-4at6z-yer32-ytlzz-4qati-fbv2u-nixdn-eae x4ydt-ddd3n-zbbcc-y7pyn-7gbqq-fddgp-45zxe-26krf-ypzgm-g5pn5-7qe
Memory allocation: 0
Compute allocation: 0
Freezing threshold: 2_592_000
Memory Size: Nat(1637076)
Balance: 1_890_498_161_591 Cycles
Module hash: 0xe0df779f65fe44893d8991bef0f9af442bff019b79ec756eface2b58beec236f

I had successfully deployed the static site to the canister, but I’m now in a new repo, and am trying to deploy hello world to the same canister (backend only).

Ever since I switched to the new repo I have been getting this error.

Is it possible to deploy a new app to an existing canister?

If not, is there a way to reclaim the cycles and add them to a different canister?

Not sure what best practice is here.

Any input would be most appreciated!

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you can, but you need to

  1. build first
  2. then reinstall it

dfx canister --network ic install --mode reinstall [canister name]

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Thanks, @bytesun

If I try that I get this:

steve@MacBook-Pro-5 hello (master) $ dfx canister --network ic install --mode reinstall hello
Creating a wallet canister on the ic network.
The replica returned an HTTP Error: Http Error: status 404 Not Found, content type "text/html", content: <html>
<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>

And I think this is something to do with having created the canister via NNS (as per Kyle’s blog post linked above).

If I try to add --no-wallet to the command, I get this:

steve@MacBook-Pro-5 hello (master) $ dfx canister --network ic install --no-wallet --mode reinstall hello
error: Found argument '--no-wallet' which wasn't expected, or isn't valid in this context

If you tried to supply `--no-wallet` as a PATTERN use `-- --no-wallet`

    dfx canister install [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [canister]

For more information try --help

I should maybe start again with another canister that was not created via NNS?

try this

dfx canister --network ic --no-wallet install --mode reinstall hello


Awesome. Thanks a bunch, @bytesun

steve@MacBook-Pro-5 hello (master) $ dfx canister --network ic --no-wallet install --mode reinstall hello
You are about to reinstall the hello canister.
This will OVERWRITE all the data and code in the canister.


Do you want to proceed? yes/No
Reinstalling code for canister hello, with canister_id jhzj3-dqaaa-aaaag-aaa6a-cai
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Got the same problem (stable memory out of bounds), solved with :

dfx canister uninstall-code --network ic --all

dfx deploy --network ic

The problem propably occured when I tried to deploy the same project with a different identity. The process has frozen during deployment

Just ran into this error locally.

In case anyone else runs into it, running dfx start --clean fixes the issue.