Hello everyone.
I’ve seen a lot of guys complaining about the heavy workload of tax returns in the forums before, which made me realize that there was still a gap in services in this area, so I took my partner with me and started to prepare for the development of this area.
After several months of development on IC, I am happy to announce that taxlint is now ready for initial use.
TaxLint is in beta now, and all operations are free, except for gas fees.
Currently, we have supported users to manage multiple wallets, export ICP reports of any wallet with one click, and support automatic import of transaction records of NNS neurons. TaxLint is designed to help users of ICP to count and manage their tax information more easily.
With TaxLint, users will be able to record, track and calculate tax information related to their transactions and assets in the IC ecosystem.
Our main goal is to provide users in the IC ecosystem with a convenient tax management tool to help them move away from cumbersome manual counting to easier automated counting, thus improving their tax experience and reducing error rates.
What we’ve done
Decentralized, Private, Secure
When using regular virtual currency tax statistics platforms, there are often concerns about whether such centralized platforms can meet the privacy requirements of web3-compliant users.
TaxLint is a 100% on-chain decentralized application, and we are committed to providing our users with a private, secure web3 tax service.
Auto Tax Report
TaxLint is dedicated to reducing the cost of time and improving the user experience for cryptocurrencies on the Internet Computer.
By deploying on-chain automation and smart contracts, TaxLint eliminates the need for users to manually tally their taxes and automatically exports their tax reports at the click of a mouse.
It’s still early phase for taxlint, so it will be updated from time to time, and there is a small chance that the data will be emptied in order to upgrade the data structure.
Store transaction records in a decentralized canister and allow users to manually modify them, like a billing diary.
Support for multiple tokens statistics.
Allow users to filter records by condition.
Website: https://vresg-vyaaa-aaaag-qcj2q-cai.icp0.io/
twitter: https://twitter.com/TaxLint
If you want to make us better, join the discord to advise us: TaxLint
We’re always trying to provide a more user-friendly service to our users, so your suggestions are great!
There is an intention to support the NFT, which is a really important part of tax reporting.
For your error, the screenshot isn’t very complete so it’s hard for me to tell what your problem is, I’m guessing it’s an error in your address or that your region doesn’t have access to CoinGecko, which is what we use to pull all the price records for ICP over the last few years.
If there is a high call for it, it may be possible to put the NFT stats on a higher priority.
As for when to log in to SNS, the timeline is not clear enough at this point because we don’t have enough features yet.
The management of transaction types will be updated later.
Modifying currency types will be updated when the user center goes live. But your reply did remind me about the currency count change does seem to be an important feature
Thanks for testing, we have recently been deploying our domains using IC’s custom domains which may have caused this error but it is now fixed.
Our website can now be accessed at https://www.taxlint.online.
And the II identity address used will be the same as in https://vresg-vyaaa-aaaag-qcj2q-cai.icp0.io.
Hi @e274426380 . This looks like a really useful tool! I tried using it, but I keep getting “Error: principal_id length need to be 63” when I enter my wallet principal ID. The ID length typically seems to be 29 characters (including hyphens), so is this a bug or do I need to do something differently?
I’m not very familiar with OC’s code in this area.
But I just gave it a try.
On the diamond page click on the upgrade button and copy your CHAT address, which is probably your principal_id
But I’m not really familiar with this aspect of OC, this just might be your principal-id, you’ll have to keep figuring it out
I tried that and it gives the same 29-character principal as before. In either case, entering this into “Wallet Address” in TaxLint results in the correct Wallet Account ID appearing. Is it possible to remove the 63-character requirement from the code and see if it still works?
I’m very sorry it took so long to respond to your reply.
After some improvements and testing, we now support principal entry in this 27-bit format for openchat.