Subnet Management - io67a (Application)

There’s currently an open ‘Update Subnet Config’ Subnet Management proposal for this subnet → Proposal: 132123 - ICP Dashboard (

Proposal Summary:

This proposal sets the notarisation delay of the subnet to 300ms, down from 600ms. The change will increase the block rate of the subnet, aimed to reduce latency of update calls.

600ms (the current configuration) is the default configuration for application subnets.
At the moment there are only two configurations used for initial_notary_delay_millis.

Larger subnets naturally require larger delays. However @dsharifi announced earlier today plans to increase the block rate, thanks to numerous performance enhancements that have been implemented.

@dsharifi are you able to provide some information about why this subnet was chosen to roll out this new config? Presumably eventually all 13 node subnets will use this configuration? What about the larger subnets, will you be aiming to keep the same relative proportions by halving the notary delay to 500ms (or lower)? (I’m only asking because I’m aware that there’s currently a drive to minimise configuration differences between NNS and other subnets).

Thanks in advance :pray: