SOS. Critical problem with ICPSwap!

This might sound stupid but check if there is a software update aveilable for the original device, and do the software update and try again. I remember once it suddenly did not recognize my device II, but after the software update it recognized it again.

I believe that the newly minted tokens will be available on the source SNS1 address and in the same state (in case of staked Neurons), so all should be visible here:

They do not send to addresses on exchanges.

Well it’s not really easy to say which address belongs to an exchange and which not, anyone can generate many accounts - I didn’t actually see any confirmation if the aforementioned PID/Account belongs to ICPSwap, Stoic, Plug or other.

I think the main concern with DEX is to withdraw any SNS1 from LPs, stop trading to ensure atomicity etc.

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I see your point. That is why I am calling for their help. Not sending to current address on ICPSwap so she can have just a bit of her asset.

Maybe a hard factory reset will help.

No, it does not help. It kept going to the new address. Thank you anyway!

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I still don’t believe in the authenticity of this issue because you’re the only one who has encountered it. Could you screenshot and list the evidence that this problem indeed occurred to you?

We screen shot, make clips and sent to their technician from the start. I understand your logic. That is very common thought.

Hola de nuevo, no creo que ayude pero por si acaso, has probado a acceder a través del buscador en modo incógnito?

Hey @ICPSwap
I just noticed that you blocked me on your discord server, my user is Decentralize everything.
I hope it’s just a simple mistake and not done in a bad intention. Would you please explain to me why did that happen?

So sorry, sir. The ban has been revoked. It might have been a mistake by a bot or admin.

Admins don’t ban users randomly unless it’s like advertising postings.

Also, Please feel free to join the ICPSwap Telegram group: Telegram: Contact @ICPSwap_Official

For personalized support please reach out:

You guys blocked me on telegram when I just simply stating the fact my friend lost 650 ICP using ICPSwapp.

@ICPSwap: Just another idea we had on the whole principal issue. Currently, redirects to Has this redirect always been there?
Could @ChauDoan21165 have accessed ICPSwap over HTTP rather than HTTPS?

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Hello, Frederik! Certainly! Yes, the redirect has always been here.

Hey! I was searching for a way to solve a problem I had with connecting my Stoic wallet and came upon this thread. Have you managed to resolve your issue, and if not, I was wondering did you ever try connecting to ICPswap through stoicwallet linked through the same Internet Identity?

What I mean is, connect to the swap like this

InternetIdentity → StoicWallet → ICPSwap
instead of

InternetIdentity → ICPSwap

Doing that creates different addresses, which are still linked to the same InternetIdentity. I’m not saying this is what happened, but just throwing possibilities out, maybe helping to think outside box on this one

I do not think that will work. Thank you anyway!

So it seems you have resolved the issue?

No, it is still the same.

Most likely those funds are lost forever, If Your Identity number dont show you 1b10558206448890541ad02104c7022899635d864b5f72205ce2699da5abe035 in your NNS, than you have made huge mistake.

The thing that coud have happend was Identity was created, you saved number + phrase. Than made new identity, didnt save its phrase and your friend used that to log in ICPSwap and did trades.

What is really strange is transfer 62.99950000 icp 2024/03/10 into that wallet. To me it seems 1561a1c86d0df81f837febce044d5967c439bd0e0c924fa45ab1af17b478a7e9 owner has accsess to that wallet. There is one more option this coud have happend, you gave empty wallet ID to friend, but logged into with your own, so you have accsess to that wallet.