i am really just a hobbyist coder and i have noticed that with an upgrade in dfx my identity went from default originally to admin and now i am not able to even check status of older wallet canister. any suggestions are much appriciated.
can you run dfx identity list
? If you upgraded dfx via the normal procedure it should still list all identities there. If you can see your default identity, then you can “switch” to it by using dfx identity use <...>
im able to list the identities and have changed to ‘use’ default but i am seemingly locked out of this cycle-wallet canister uoewz-fiaaa-aaaah-aaacq-cai ???
this is what i did initially:
opa@zbox:~/ICP/helloIC$ dfx ledger account-id
The wallet canister on the “ic” network for user “default” is “uoewz-fiaaa-aaaah-aaacq-cai”
but now my account-id is different it is:
We are forwarding the command line to the old version. To disable this warning, set the DFX_WARNING=-version_check environment variable.