Server Error: The replica returned an HTTP Error: Htto Error: status 429 Too Many Requests

We receive this error once in a while where canisters request fails. I have attached the screenshot

Is this due to rate limiting. I read somewhere requests are rate limited to 50 requests per second. Is there a suggested way tackle this?

Hey @gravity_vi,

The 429 you observed came from the boundary nodes. They do not enforce any rate-limits, but perform load shedding (i.e., reject request early at times of high load). This happens every so often when a node observes a large spike of traffic.

Sorry, forgot the second part of your post:

Is there a suggested way tackle this?

Retry :slight_smile:

Hey thanks for the response, is there any other way to tackle this problem. We cannot rely on retry if there is a heavy load. We fetch posts from canisters to show in the app. This will make our app slow.

Hey @gravity_vi

How often do you observe 429s? I just checked and normally, there are no 429s. In the last 24h, there were three “peaks” where less than 0.1% of the requests were 429s. Only last Friday, the numbers were quite a bit higher because of a misconfiguration on our end.

Hey, Yes you are correct we did not observe 429s after Friday :slightly_smiling_face:

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