Seed Round Access

I still get the error “Invalid mnenomic” when I try ACCOUNT_ID=$(echo $seed | keysmith account -f -)

problem is I don’t know which parts of the whole process I need to repeat if I start again from the absolute beginning, I don’t want to accidentally overwrite or delete any important files

when I try to disburse the neuron I’m getting this error

record {
command = opt variant {
Error = record {
error_message = “The recipient’s subaccount is invalid due to: Received an invalid AccountIdentifier proto containing a field ‘hash’ of length 0 bytes instead of the expected 28.”;
error_type = 5 : int32;

Not sure if that is a clue to what is going wrong?

solved! for some reason my I copied seed address without spaces


for those in the seed round, is there anyway for them to add a backup private key via CLI?

It’s my understanding that dfinity will release coin in monthly batches. Is there any information I could review to better understand these lockups?

are there any easy to understand instructions for how we access our earned ICP?

Are we able to extract them and add to a new neuron? Or do we need to wait till the Neuron has dissolved?

from what I understand you need to spawn a new neuron from the existing one, which will have only ICPs earned from rewards and will have a dissolve period set to 1 day or something small like that. haven’t actually figured out how to do that - if anyone else has, please tell me

yep that’s exactly right. Or I could even retake them. Also want to be 100% sure I know how many neurons are the reward. I am assuming right now that the maturity_e8s_equivalent is the actually number of reward icp, and for example 2_182_464_157 would be 21.82464157 icp ?

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Don’t know if any one else here has early contributor tokens? It looks like even though we have multiple dfx identities associates with our neurons eg identity 1,2,3,4 any neurons that are disbursed even from neurons associated with identity 2,3,4 with are disbursed to identity 1. At least this is what I am finding. Can someone confirm if that is the correct behaviour?

wonder if seed people will get access for this Badlands scam, or if it’s only for liquid ICP, not vested

Is there any news about the GUI to manage the seed round neurons?


can seed people access any easier yet?

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Not heard anything. I’m looking forward to hardware wallet support though, managing my neurons via an air gapped setup is a pain.Is anyone able to provide an update on an ETA for Ledger hardware wallet support yet?

Has this tool been deprecated

It now redirects to

@krytie this issue was identified and resolved in the last hour. Thanks for reporting as well! InternetComputer Status - redirect to

@alexa.smith Thanks. Any reason why this tool no longer returns get_full_neuron data as described in this post?

It’s just seems to return raw Buffer data.

You can try importing your .pem file to the Stoic wallet it’s an easy way to manage your neurons

Is the 12-word seed phrase from the seed round compatible with Plug wallet ( or any other wallet?

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As far as I know no.

its crazy, why do dfinity expect only people with Linux and coding technical knowledge be able to access their seed tokens. Its really a huge oversight. Ive been too frightened to even try the process till recently, and now ive started its taken me a lot just to get to install the dfx software, and now Im stuck since all I get is the response “dfx command not found”.

@ililic can you pleased help shed light on how to use the dfx - please know that Ive never used linux before and Ive just followed the instructions to the letter and installed the keysmith ok and downloaded the dfx tool using the curl command that was provided, and it seemed to work after I responded y, it said installed in user/bin but after that whatever I do just nothing works

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