Satoshi Notes - Selling your Notes for Bitcoin ckBTC

Project Highlights

SatoshiNotes is the free note taking software that allows you to sell your valuable notes for Bitcoin, and also keeps your files secure in your PC or the blockchain.

We received a grant to build this software, it was much tougher than we anticipated, but with persistence and hard work we are here, announcing it to the IC world first!

Internet Computer Advantages and How we Built It

It uses the best of both worlds, a desktop application written in Electron, and a backend written in Rust. The backend using the IC is the secret weapon, it allows writers to store and sell their notes for Bitcoin, ckBTC to be precise.

Go to Market Strategy

We will start with an invite-only beta, the software is ready but we want to make sure it works reliably before a wide introduction.

The main strategy is to attract writers, and creators who are familiar with Bitcoin and would like to be paid for their short form content. Trading strategies, secret recipes, and valuable documents that are shorter than a book.


The software is free, but the storage of notes, and the selling has small fees connected to them. That is how we plan to make some reasonable profits.

Status of the Project

We just finished development, and will do a demo to DFINITY shortly. We will open access to the software shortly after that, by invitation to the Beta.

Links and Resources

We have a full demo of the software, including the ckBTC features available on YouTube here:

Satoshi Notes Demo

Our Website is here:, we are planning an update soon, the code has taken all of our time.

We have not fully decided the licenses for the software, our intention is to make the client software for the notes open source, and the backend closed. Since we do not have a final decision yet the links to the GitHub repositories are still private, once we have a firm decision we will share whichever repository is open source to the public.

Last Words

We have slept little this last week, and the development time was almost double what we expected, it has taken almost a year to arrive here, along the way we learned a lot, and faced many challenges. Through it all DFINITY was on our side, we are grateful for their support. The effort is worth much more than the Grant, but we are happy to have finally finished, and soon will be able to share all of it with the Internet Computer community first, and next with the Bitcoin community.


It’s great to see that you all are finally done with it. Can’t wait to use it. I’d be happy to be a beta tester.

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Thank you! Absolutely, happy to have you too.

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Looks promising, nice work!

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Very good product, Local first + IC is a perfect solution, looking forward to all the codes being open source, I believe it can help the entire IC community and other projects!

Best wishes

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That’s awesome! We also built ICP payments, including payments of ICP, ckBTC, ckETH, ckUSDC with SDKs. We are very much open for partnership.

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Your product is also cool, and I see some possible synergies, will contact after we have our release ready. Thanks.

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