Requesting Pic.js official support

PocketIC is now the go-to tool for end-to-end testing on ICP.

PicJS, GitHub - hadronous/pic-js: An Internet Computer Protocol canister testing library for TypeScript and JavaScript., is a JavaScript library for interacting with PocketIC. It is currently maintained by a single developer in their spare time. Since PocketIC is now integrated in DFX and becoming a larger part of the developer experience, Motoko and TypeScript canister developers would benefit from it receiving feature updates in near lock step with PocketIC.

I’ve had great success with implementing Pic.js for a number of projects like the Subscription Service and many of the ICRC components that I’ve been building. I know that projects like Cycleops are looking at converting all their tests over to the framework as well. @NathanosDev has done an amazing job supporting it and doing his best to keep it up to date with the Pocket IC server, but currently, only the Rust version has dedicated resource support.

Since a significant portion of the ICP developer ecosystem uses Motoko, Typescript, and Python (non-Rust SDKs) it would be nice to have more formal support from either the foundation or an outsourced 3rd party that can commit to keeping the client/server in sync with Pic.js. This will become more and more important as I understand that Pocket IC will eventually replace the replica in dfx.

There is a python SDK for pocket ic, but my inclination is to believe that folks that most are building web-based Dapps and are far more likely to have a js/typescript developer on hand. It is also a great way for web-based devs to learn about how the IC actually works


:heavy_plus_sign: 1000 to this! @NathanosDev not all heroes wear capes.


I agree. This project is very important. Would be nice to have resources allocated for official support. Maybe grant?

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We’re trying to port over a suite of old slow dfx tests that take over 20 minutes to run to PicJS and could definitely use this feature parity in PicJS!

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