PocketIC integration into ICP.NET Client

Today I have officially finished a grant for integrating PocketIC into the existing ICP.NET client.
This allows for users of ICP.NET to be able to run unit tests with their canisters using PocketIC
Feel free to reach out for any feedback or feature requests

Thanks to the Dfinity foundation for funding this project with a grant

PocketIC: GitHub - dfinity/pocketic: A canister smart contract testing solution for the Internet Computer.
Github: GitHub - edjCase/ICP.NET: A library for .NET/C#/Unity to natively communicate with the Internet Computer (ICP)
Getting started guide: ICP.NET/src/PocketIC/README.md at main · edjCase/ICP.NET · GitHub
Grant Context: C# PocketIC integration into ICP.NET - Grant Application
Nuget Package: NuGet Gallery | EdjCase.ICP.PocketIC 7.0.0


Hi @Gekctek, congrats on finishing your grant. Could you please add a link to your PocketIC package here in a PR? That way, more people can find it and use it. Thanks!




Thanks, I’ve recreated your PR for the team to approve: #27

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