Rdeploy with remote replica

Any way to run the replica on a remote machine?

Do you mean running a local replica on a remote machine, similar to how you would do it locally, or do you have something else in mind?

If the first, I guess you can install dfx on the remote machine?

Alternatively, you can follow a similar approach to what I did recently. I published a Docker image for Juno that runs a replica within a Docker container. The repo is https://github.com/junobuild/juno-docker for reference.

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What I ment was that with dfx there is the --network flag but that is actually a one time call as the definition of ephemeral. I was wondering if like you said install dfx on remote and run the replica but interact with it remotely. Not familiar with Juno, missed the workshop from @ZackDS on that. But I would assume docker is out of question unless we want to mess with docker networking …

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Thanks for the follow-up. Not sure what’s the best path.

Regarding Docker, I did not necessarely meant to use Docker, even though that’s probably an option, but, rather that this Docker image runs a local replica and is open source, so shared the repo in case interesting for that particular part.

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Not having a real testnet sux.

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