Questions and concerns about DFINITY Foundation working "beyond core protocol"

I am not quite sure I see the connection so I may be missing something. I see two things here, so can you clarify?

  • When I (Diego) write about on-chain governance, i refer to the fact that the network is updated via NNS proposals with Wasm which folks vote on. I am not referring to the motion proposals. Indeed, many networks have motion proposal type systems… what is technically unique about the IC is about the actual updating of the code.
  • So to me the “25 motion proposals” were laying out the intent DFINITY had about the IC and wanted to see what people thought, since they involved upfront investment or hiring and working.

So my question is this:

  1. Did you not appreciate the proposals on Long Term R&D? Did you see them as on-chain governance? Motion Proposals on Long Term R&D Plans (totally fine if your mind changed from when proposed December 2021 to now)

  2. Is my definition of on-chain governance too narrow? (it may be!)