Questions and concerns about DFINITY Foundation working "beyond core protocol"

To clarify your intent, I know the R&D team posts frequent updates on the BTC integration (usually every other week or so) on the progress here: Direct Integration with Bitcoin, but it seems this does not address your intent.

  • Can I assume you are looking for something more real time than weekly updates?
  • Is weekly updates ok, but the main problem is that it is buried in a dev thread?
  • both?
  1. To some degree yes and no. A common pattern in software is that there is a point where adding more engineers to a project usually slows things down. The more impacftul thing is less more engineers, but more time & focus per engineer. An example may be how 2 months ago, DFINITY made it clear that BTC and SNS projects tae priority so that means all other requests or asks NOT related to these two were de-prioritized among the engineers. As cross-functional projects, these prjects have a core of engineers working on it full time and a another ring of engineers who support them (for example, if the BTC integration engineers need help from Crypto or Consensus team or NNS Dapp team, their requests now take highest priority). I would say that more focus/priority has sped up progress more than adding more engineers.

Does that make sense?