Proposal to become a new Node Provider - AITUBI

Dear All,

I am writing to formally introduce our firm AITUBI LTD to become a Node Provider to the Internet Computer.

We are a small family owned investment and innovation firm. We focus on entrepreneurial activities that we deeply understand and have disruptive innovation potential. Our past and current investment portfolio in private companies include real estate, health insurance, cyber security insurance, electric mobility and IT network infrastructure, as well as various Internet Computer and SNS related projects.

Our focus will initially be nodes located in Australia with a plan to further expand in locations that positively contribute to the decentralization of the IC topology such as Asia and Africa, in line with recent proposals.

Our company is a Swiss limited company held by shares and I am one of the directors.

We will in due course submit our NNS proposal, as well as the Proof of Identity and self-declaration document on the wiki.

Please feel free to reach out to me on the forum if you have any questions, and thank you for your consideration.





Hi Fabian, welcome to the IC community. I see you already posted in the thread on Node Provider Proposals, where discussion and communication takes place on Node Provider Proposals. Feel free to post any questions that you have in that thread. Also note that currently the IC network has reached target topology, which means that the current network has achieved the decentralization targets and no more new node machines are required. But with the IC network continuing to grow the community might decide to update the target topology and allow for more node machines to be onboarded in the future.

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Hi @SvenF , having gone through the self-declaration steps

as well as Step 3 in Milestone 3

would you agree we go ahead and perform Step 4: Node Provider Onboarding?

We understand the current status of the topology and the implied pause on admitting new node providers. However we wanted to get this Step 4 performed, to be ready to go when the moment of new admissions arises.

Thanks for your guidance.

Dear community,

We have recently successfully passed steps 1-3 of Milestone 3: Node Provider Onboarding, which included Self-declaration and Proof of Identity

We are also fully aware and agree with the announcement and discussion regarding node topology New Node Provider Proposals

With this note we want to announce that we have proceeded to Step 4 of Milestone 3, and submitted our proposal for our company Aitubi AG to be added as a node provider.

We wanted to do this to ensure that we are ready to move towards the next Milestone 4, which involves ordering hardware, once the topology would allow new admission of node providers.

Our intent is to focus on regions that would support the further geographical decentralization of the internet computer topology.

We hope that our proposal will receive your support.


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