Proposal 134332 to upgrade the NNS dapp (28/11/2024)

Hello, ICPeople! Proposal 134332 to upgrade the NNS dapp just went live, please consider voting. :ballot_box:

Upgrade NNS Canister: qoctq-giaaa-aaaaa-aaaea-cai to wasm with hash: 4cb4f804d0beb740adefee34c690094ede300643c2e18ef33129ee022650c7a2

Upgrade frontend NNS Dapp canister to commit 7d07c355183d966ffb632994792b6f231025d73f

Wasm sha256 hash: 4cb4f804d0beb740adefee34c690094ede300643c2e18ef33129ee022650c7a2 (

Change Log


  • Support for “Advance SNS target version” proposal type.


  • Notify for unfinished canister top-ups from the frontend instead of the backend.
  • Reword “Hardware Wallet” to “Ledger device” in the UI.


  • Hide SNSes for which the aggregator doesn’t have a lifecycle.

Wasm Verification

To build the wasm module yourself and verify its hash, run the following commands from the root of the nns-dapp repo:

git fetch  # to ensure you have the latest changes.
git checkout "7d07c355183d966ffb632994792b6f231025d73f"
git merge-base --is-ancestor HEAD origin/main && echo "OK" || echo "Commit is not on main branch!"
sha256sum nns-dapp.wasm.gz

You may also want to verify the canister arguments. In the proposal they are binary, which is not very readable. Docker provides both binary and text formats and you can verify that the text format corresponds to the binary arg_hex field in the proposal.

cat nns-dapp-arg-mainnet.did
didc encode "$(cat nns-dapp-arg-mainnet.did)" | xxd -r -p | sha256sum

Voted to adopt.

Builds fine and both hash and arguments match.
Some interesting “stuff” besides the main ones listed in the Summary is the first part of the addition of a Confirm following banner in a29e619 along with 1eb5f9f that adds a Banner and BannerIcon component , with pictures (images) included :wink: .
There are many more so I highly recommend going thru them in order to keep up to date with new and upcoming changes. ( FYI another spoiler going forward the term “hardware wallet” will be called “Ledger device”. If you want to know where and how this is changing and most importantly why go ahead and check out commit ce6908a. )