Proposal 131698 to upgrade the NNS dapp (09/08/2024)

Happy Friday ICPeople! Proposal 131698 to upgrade the NNS dapp just went live, please consider voting. :ballot_box:

This upgrade proposal introduces changes to enable importing custom ICRC-1 tokens, as well as a new projects table to replace the SNS selector. This table gives an overview of the SNS DAOs where the user holds neurons.

Wasm sha256 hash: 3feb21ac3e2a87b1d1f6d2e150bc957e8528265754a37d5a4e56ff6ff86104ea(

Change Log


  • Enable warning dialog on beta deployment.
  • Back-end support for storing imported tokens.
  • Message informing users of the System Canister Management topic split.


  • Replace the nervous system left navigation on the staking tab with a new table.
  • Bump ic-js to a version with new proposal types and neuron visibility.
  • Enable following on the new topics ProtocolCansiterManagementand ServiceNervousSystemManagement.

Wasm Verification

To build the wasm module yourself and verify its hash, run the following commands from the root of the nns-dapp repo:

git fetch  # to ensure you have the latest changes.
git checkout "bbe6f5bb10904fca0bdfb16a04dec3e94e821123"
git merge-base --is-ancestor HEAD origin/main && echo "OK" || echo "Commit is not on main branch!"
sha256sum nns-dapp.wasm.gz

You may also want to verify the canister arguments. In the proposal they are binary, which is not very readable. Docker provides both binary and text formats and you can verify that the text format corresponds to the binary arg_hex field in the proposal.

cat nns-dapp-arg-mainnet.did
didc encode "$(cat nns-dapp-arg-mainnet.did)"

Hey @chepreghy would you please clarify what is the purpose of the new ServiceNervousSystemManagement topic? What is being managed? Is there a forum discussion on this new topic that you can share?