I am going to go thru the entire ‘camp’ materials but supplemented with very basic ‘getting started’ info.
1> my first step today is watching the video from the designer of the language here:
cheeses are somehow a secret message apparently
and then some reading starting here:
as I have an interest in more functional ML languages.
looks like we need to update some links^^^^
follow along… lets see where we go
<> web assembly
// more that just web use and not really assembly either
// its an abstraction from the bottom up / not top down.
<> async
// functions complete sooner or later
<> let
some_variable // are immutable by default
<> stable var
some_variable // persistent memory is maintained after an upgrade on the canister code.
code from a Mokoto talk showing varient types and a recursive function. how special is that?
<> live coding on Motoko Playground Internet Computer Loading
the code on the playground is persistent. while canisters time out at 20 minutes