Periodic Followee Confirmation Follow-Up

Maybe we aren’t reading the same forum posts, but the ones I’m reading claim the decentralization of voting power would leave ICP exposed to security risks, that DFINITY can’t resolve without the super majority of voting power.

As I stated, I’d rather not get into the treasury here, as it has its own topic, which is still available. However, it was beyond transparent controlling governance parties were advocating for a treasury which would in turn fund their own ventures. Again, the topic is still available for people to do their own research, this isn’t a “smear tactic”, but instead, an easily verifiable fact.

The following topic lays out how there is only one named neuron, and that this is likely because it is not an incentivized task. The topic then goes on to explain why it should be one of many incentivized tasks via the NNS, and details how to either generate a stream of rewards, by either taking them from people, or minting new ones.

Again, not what we’re talking about however, so I’m not sure why it was brought up to begin with.

I keep getting the feeling that maybe we aren’t reading the same forum thread, but you started by stating while you once supported it, this isn’t necessary anymore - as the driving forces that made it a necessity are no longer relevant. I’m clarifying to you that this isn’t about spam proposals, but rather decentralization itself.

I thought I was beyond cordial with you, given your passive aggressive tone from the beginning

I’m not sure why you’re trying to make it out as though I am twisting your words, as though the complete dialogue is not available for everyone to read. I directly responded to what you said to me, while quoting the material.

The only person crafting a narrative, is you, with the victim statements.