I’d like to respectfully ask you to consider not automating a yes or no vote with your canister if you choose to satisfy the requirement of this proposal via voting with your canister. You are a known neuron rakeoff.io, so hopefully you are interested in making sure your vote is always cast in the long term best interest of the internet computer on every proposal. For any proposal topic that you don’t review and vote manually, there are other neurons that you could follow that perform due diligence on those proposal topics. It would be awesome to see you follow them with your vote. I don’t have a strongly held opinion on who you follow as long as it’s a vote that is cast in educated and informed way. I believe there are people that have already built canisters that have all the components that you need. CodeGov has code that watches for CodeGov NNS votes and relays those votes to a CodeGov WTN neuron. Taggr and WaterNeuron both have code that casts their NNS votes according to results of a poll in their respective communities. In both cases they also have backup solutions in case the polls they are watching don’t reach consensus…they end up voting no at the end of the voting period. An automated voting solution that merges this open source code would be a nice solution to your automation plans if it is based on voting.