Feb 11 23:28:41.451 WARN Could not perform query on canister: IC0301: Canister ic:BF33404EA7B97A08AA not found, Application: Http Handler
Feb 11 23:29:08.500 WARN Could not perform query on canister: IC0301: Canister ic:BF33404EA7B97A08AA not found, Application: Http Handler
Feb 11 23:30:36.880 WARN Could not perform query on canister: IC0301: Canister ic:BF33404EA7B97A08AA not found, Application: Http Handle
How can I get more detailed info on this, I am getting this with dfx start without running in background but I still do not see why my canisters are not being built? Because I see this:
I’m not sure without more info, it would be worth you starting a dialogue with the support channel here too, support@dfinity.org . Include your platform details and whether you’re running in a VM etc.