My token was lost on icpswap

Sir, Dev has found the issue.

The account ‘nozjv-abqsf-m54l5-oalxz-df5n6-4zysx-7nglz-iskdg-bajkr-ratrl-nae’ is the minting account for the token. In the standard implementation(nat) of ICRC1 tokens, transferring tokens to the minting account is equivalent to burning them (you can test this by transferring the token from another account to ‘nozjv’). Therefore, when the transaction is successful and the pool transfers tokens to the minting account, these tokens are destroyed and will not appear in your balance.

Please use another account for swap.

Thank you team for clarifying. Also was looking a bit of help on two topics ( 1. how to take snapshot of holders ( for egfor this UNIX tokens) and also how to aridrop tokens ) will be greatly appreciated if you could help me on this one. Thanks

1/ Currently, there is no method or interface available to obtain the addresses and amounts of your token holders. One idea proposed by the devs is to calculate the addresses and token quantities at a certain point in time based on transfer records, both transfer in and transfer out

2/ If you wish to airdrop tokens to a Principal ID, you can perform batch transfers. If you intend to airdrop to an Account ID, we can assist you in setting up a Claim for token airdrops, supporting both Principal ID and Account ID. Feel free to DM us or contact us via email at “

I lost mine too this is the hash dbd8407ad1eb57cf824b1843ae957dd44da177c262be08d5c893ceb36e1d7b61

Sir, may I ask your Principal, please.

Tokens of failed transactions can be found at Reclaim: ICPSwap

Alternatively, contact us via email at “” for personalized support.

5ww7e-rn7wk-elkz3-uum2k-b423o-olexl-xf7mc-5edec-nwzwj-zdmd2-cqe Yep here it goes, it’s not showing up in reclaim

Sir, I have checked your ICP transfer records and your transaction history.

You successfully swapped ICP to ICS in the most recent transaction, and your account does have an ICS balance. There are no loss tokens.

How come my wallet shows $0 and I can’t swap it for anything else? Do I have to log in elsewhere to view my ic swap account?

Sir, Are you saying that you made swap on ICPSwap?

Log into your account (Principal) and check the wallet page here: ICPSwap

You can Swap ICS to ICP.

Idk what changed but I’m able to trade it again, thank you!

Okay, sir, I’m glad to have been able to assist you.

Please make sure to edit and clarify that you haven’t lost any tokens, to avoid any misunderstanding among the community. Thank you!

Yesterday, I swapped 30 ICP for some OGY and was quoted 60,000 OGY. I only received 54,771 which is $75 dollars short. Today, I swapped 5 ICP for some GHOST and didn’t receive anything but my ICP is gone. That’s $150 vanished in 2 days using ICPswap

Sir, I saw that our admin replied to your question in the TG group. Please use your Plug wallet to connect to ICPSwap and reclaim your tokens here: ICPSwap

If you can’t find it or have other questions, feel free to drop your Principal, and I’ll assist you with the check.

Thank you very much.