Motoko Developer Working Group

Each month, on the second Thursday, at 8am US Pacific time, we gather for the “Motoko Developer Working Group”.

In each meeting, we talk about Motoko-specific issues that are affecting developers, and possible plans for the future of the Motoko language and its tooling. Developers outside of DFINITY discuss their projects, painpoints and occasionally give demos. We also periodically re-introduce ourselves, as the group changes over time, slowly.

The goal is to foster and grow this community-based conversation, but there is no goal beyond that.

In past meetings, we’ve had a smaller group of invited developers who are each particularly active Motoko developers. Now, we all agree that it’s time to have more voices in the meeting.

Thanks for considering attending!



I’ve been a part of these monthly calls for awhile now and highly recommend - it’s a great opportunity for developers to meet and engage with the Motoko team.

The calls are focused on language level features, and have helped influence and gauge initial feedback for a number of language level features that have come out over the past year.


Reminder: We are meeting on Thursday this week for our monthly Motoko Working Group meeting.


  • Unlike prior meetings, we are meeting 30 minutes earlier than usual, to accommodate a scheduling conflict for the Motoko team members, and maintain a full hour-long meeting.

  • People are welcome to come to that earlier time, or the original time, with the understanding that we are breaking 30 minutes earlier than usual, so the Motoko team can attend an internal meeting.


Reminder – we will meet again in about one week (2nd Thursday of each month).


Been meaning to come to one of these recently but always seem to have a schedule conflict
Any new developments or anything worth sharing?


Hello everyone. We have a Motoko Dev Working Group session happening today at 8AM Pacific. A few of us will not be able to join until after the first half hour. I would recommend anyone who wants to join, to join at half past the hour.

Thank you and see you there!

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No one answered this question. It seems like a good question to answer in advance of the meeting each month. CC @claudio


Still does. :heart: :question:


Hello Motoko devs!

Are the discussions from this working group stored or shared anywhere? Perhaps there are simple recordings available?
Additionally, is the meeting scheduled for this Thursday still happening?

Thanks :slight_smile:

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  1. Hi @Seb
    , I have few doubts related to Motoko , Q1. Is it possible to implement /replicate any smart contract written in solidity into Motoko? Q2. Just like we have send , transfer and call methods in solidity to send data and value, are this methods are also available in Motoko ?If Yes, kindly share me the resources for the same. Q3. Can I assume that almost everything that can be written in solidity for smart contract like ERC721 contract , ICO token , contract for Uniswap V3 protocol is possible in motoko bcoz I don’t see the concept of contract accounts, message call that we have in solidity.
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Today’s meeting link is broken.

Can you try Launch Meeting - Zoom

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Where is a good place to find free-lance developers for icp??

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Im not aware of any one place for this but here on the forum, the dfinity discord jobs-seeking/jobs-hiring channels, or on twitter might be good places to start

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