As many of you know, I have taken a much more adversarial position towards the NNS post taggr incident.
Consequently, we (Departure Labs) have moved away from the IC being our primary target. But, we do still believe the tech, team, and mission are strong. Today, the IC is still the best positioned platform to host robust, accessible, decentralized protocols. The IC cannot rely on this being the case forever.
I personally don’t have a proposal for a better NNS design. Even if I did—I’m unsure the NNS would be willing to relinquish the level of control it presently has. Yes, stakeholders (the NNS) in the IC have the absolute right to control what content exists on the IC in the same way stakeholders in Ethereum do. As I’ve previously stated, the NNS is unique in that it can mutate itself much quicker than ETH could ever dream of. This property of the IC provides unique benefits. But, it also provides unique risks to projects targeting the IC.
With the tooling available to projects today I feel the NNS is an existential risk to all projects building on the IC.
I believe this risk could easily be mitigated by giving projects adequate tooling to leave the NNS hosted IC. If providing this choice makes you uncomfortable I encourage you to reflect on why before engaging in this discussion.
In a way I’m asking the NNS to define the relationship with projects and developers. I think most would be more than happy to pay rent to utilize the benefits the NNS IC provides. But, I don’t think this entitles the NNS IC ownership of the data in those hosted canisters.
Give projects the ability to leave. I firmly believe this will result in a net gain of trust in the IC.
I’m interested in proposing this via the NNS but I don’t presently have the bandwidth to make that happen. I’m more than happy to give what I can to make this happen in a much more limited capacity.
Finally, I ask all of you who took the time to read this to completion to take some time and consider what a YES or NO vote conclusion would signal via the NNS.