Merging candid with rust crates and didc

Hi, I’m trying to build a crate in Rust that offers features which can be easily integrated by developers. While implementing the Rust part only took about 5 minutes to validate, I’ve been struggling for a day with the Candid generation part because I obviously want developer to be able to generate their did files automatically. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can accomplish this?

For example, let’s consider a crate (“lib”) like the following:

use ic_cdk::{query};
use candid::{CandidType};
use serde::Deserialize;

#[derive(CandidType, Deserialize)]
pub struct Demo {
    pub text: String,

pub fn hello() -> Demo {
    Demo {
        text: "world".to_string()

macro_rules! include_lib {
    () => {
        use lib::{hello};

I want developers to easily integrate these features and extend them with their own code. This is achieved as follows:

use ic_cdk::{export_candid, query};
use lib::{Demo, include_lib};

fn greet(name: String) -> Demo {
    Demo {
        text: format!("Hello, {}!", name)



However, the issue arises with the generated DID file. While the WASM is completely fine, the DID file only contains the additional functions defined in the consumer:

type Demo = record { "text" : text };
service : { greet : (text) -> (Demo) query }

This is not what I want. Ideally, I would like to automatically generate a DID service that includes both, for example:

service : { 
   greet : (text) -> (Demo) query;
   hello : () -> (Demo) query;

Yesterday, I opened a question asking if there’s a way to make export_candid support this, but I understand it’s not possible (see thread).

Then, I considered importing DID files, which is indeed possible (see thread). However, the issue here is that both DID files contain similar types, leading didc to fail due to duplication (see thread).

In short, it feels like I’ve hit a series of dead ends. Does anyone have any innovative ideas?

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@frederikrothenberger Frederik has found a hacky, not recommended, workaround that does the trick for now, which involves moving the functions into the macro.

use candid::CandidType;
use ic_cdk::{post_upgrade, print, query};
use serde::Deserialize;

#[derive(CandidType, Deserialize)]
pub struct Demo {
    pub text: String,

macro_rules! include_lib {
    () => {
        pub fn hello() -> Demo {
            Demo {
                text: "world".to_string(),

That way generating the did files on the consumer side generates all declarations.

type Demo = record { "text" : text };
service : { greet : (text) -> (Demo) query; hello : () -> (Demo) query }

Thanks a lot Frederik. Not all heroes wear capes!

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Actually above solution does not work because I would have to leak types to the consumers which I don’t want to leak.

It means that one remaining option would be to write my own macro but that would basically mean forking and adapting candid export_service which I don’t want to do neither.

So back to no idea how to solve this cleanly or with an acceptable workaround.