Candid file(s) structure - can I have multiple services or import other .did files

You are right both work like a glove!

❯ didc bind -t ts src/dev_backend/dev_backend.did
import type { Principal } from '@dfinity/principal';
import type { ActorMethod } from '@dfinity/agent';
import type { IDL } from '@dfinity/candid';

export interface _SERVICE {
  'greet' : ActorMethod<[string], string>,
  'hello' : ActorMethod<[], string>,
export declare const idlFactory: IDL.InterfaceFactory;
~/projects/lab/experimentless/dev main +1 !2 ?1                                                                         

I don’t need dfx so it’s totally fine for me.

The first is a bit more compact and easier to grasp for me, so I might used that one (I’m researching things currently).

Thanks for the quick feedback.