Looks like there was some kind of ingress issue and I lost 6T Cycles. Any way to get them back?
% dfx cycles --network ic convert --amount 1.75
Transfer sent at block height 13955372
Using transfer at block height 13955372
Account was topped up with 9_949_975_000_000 cycles! New balance is 9_949_875_000_000 cycles.
% dfx deploy --network ic --with-cycles 6_000_000_000_000 --subnet bkfrj-6k62g-dycql-7h53p-atvkj-zg4to-gaogh-netha-ptybj-ntsgw-rqe backend
Deploying: backend
Creating canisters...
Creating canister backend...
created-at-time for canister backend is 1725912966607485000.
Error: Failed while trying to deploy canisters.
Caused by: Failed while trying to register all canisters.
Caused by: Failed to create canister 'backend'.
Caused by: Failed to create canister via cycles ledger.
Caused by: The replica returned an HTTP Error: Http Error: status 400 Bad Request, content type "text/plain; charset=utf-8", content: Specified ingress_expiry not within expected range: Minimum allowed expiry: 2024-09-09 20:14:14.903845551 UTC, Maximum allowed expiry: 2024-09-09 20:19:44.903845551 UTC, Provided expiry: 2024-09-09 20:20:00 UTC
% dfx deploy --network ic --with-cycles 6_000_000_000_000 --subnet bkfrj-6k62g-dycql-7h53p-atvkj-zg4to-gaogh-netha-ptybj-ntsgw-rqe backend
Deploying: backend
Creating canisters...
Creating canister backend...
created-at-time for canister backend is 1725912988281940000.
Error: Failed while trying to deploy canisters.
Caused by: Failed while trying to register all canisters.
Caused by: Failed to create canister 'backend'.
Caused by: Failed to create canister via cycles ledger.
Caused by: Insufficient funds. Current balance: 3949775000000