Ledger query_blocks how to

I’ve got absolutely no experience with DeFi anything and got a bit a hard time understanding the verification flow of a payment using the ledger as displayed in the documentation.


I managed to implement the transfer and understand I get a block_number pointing to the ledger in return.

pub async fn transfer_to_console(to: Principal) -> CallResult<TransferResult> {
    // The ledger canisterId
    let ledger = Principal::from_text(&LEDGER).unwrap();

    // I do not use subaccount yet
    let to_subaccount = DEFAULT_SUBACCOUNT;

    let args = TransferArgs {
        memo: Memo(0),
        amount: Tokens::from_e8s(100),
        fee: Tokens::from_e8s(10_000),
        from_subaccount: Some(to_subaccount),
        to: AccountIdentifier::new(&to, &to_subaccount),
        created_at_time: None,

    transfer(ledger, args).await

Now that I got the block_number, I have to call the ledger query_blocks but have to provide also a length for the query to do so and here I get lost :man_shrugging:.

What’s the length? How do I know which length of blocks I am interested in and which length matches the payment that has potentialy been made?

I found in OC open source code a super handy function to read block which query the ledger, archive and returns the Block that contains the Transaction, Operation and other Memo so that gonna helps a lot but, still super unclear on what length of blocks should be queried :thinking:.

Don’t quote me on that, but I remember reading that this was the “old” method of getting transactions from the ledger. I believe a new method was added since, named “block_pb” that returns the raw block in protobuf that you ask for.

If I read this correctly, this is how the CMC does it, and it should work since this canister handles all of the ICP → new_canister / cycles_topup stuff from dfx.

I’d look there first, before (re)implementing the logic of getting, storing and parsing blocks on your own.

Do you reckong where you read it?

It’s interesting but the Cmc example seems to use a call_with_cleanup with four arguments including protobuf. Not sure if that’s possible with the ic_cdk::call that takes three params. I’m such a noob.

That’s maybe the reason why the function block_pb is not available in the ic_ledger_types crate?

Thanks to OpenChat code, (re)-implementing the logic of getting the blocks is alright, basically just stealing open source code (:sweat_smile:). It actually already works out, I can transfer and verify the transaction, just still does not understand what length should be use. Like I did not find any documentaiton about it, probably something obvious I just don’t know.

I managed to dig out this example, and the length used is 1 (that is, you want one block starting at the provided index). That should work for what you need.

I don’t remember where I read it, but I do remember reading something along the lines of “we’re fetching all the blocks and store them on our canister until such functionality will be supported by the ledger”. This was a while ago, and it seems that the ledger now can serve transactions starting with an index (basically what you need).

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Indeed you are right, a length of 1 works for me (at least locally). I also spotted this length in the crate example but since it is not particularly documented I though that 1 was just there as a dummy value.

Thanks for the feedback, help and context about the new block_pb. I’ll check what happens there, until I launch the new project I’m working on there are still things to do but if I hear anything, will change the implementation.

Meanwhile, if it can help anyone here’s what I implemented today related to this question - note that I’m a Rust newbie so my code is probably not the best and the it only checks that the source, from and amount of the transaction are matching - i.e. it doesn’t not check if the payment has already been proceeded or not. In my canister I’ll keep track of the block index that has been proceeded to do so.

use crate::env::LEDGER;
use crate::utils::account_identifier_equal;
use candid::{Func, Principal};
use ic_cdk::api::call::CallResult;
use ic_cdk::call;
use ic_ledger_types::{query_blocks, AccountIdentifier, ArchivedBlockRange, Block, BlockIndex, GetBlocksArgs, GetBlocksResult, Operation, Transaction, DEFAULT_SUBACCOUNT, TransferResult, TransferArgs, Memo, Tokens, transfer, Subaccount};
use futures::future::join_all;

// We do not use subaccount, yet.

pub fn principal_to_account_identifier(principal: &Principal) -> AccountIdentifier {
    // We do not use subaccount, yet.
    AccountIdentifier::new(principal, &SUB_ACCOUNT)

pub async fn transfer_payment(to: &Principal, amount: Tokens, fee: Tokens) -> CallResult<TransferResult> {
    let args = TransferArgs {
        memo: Memo(0),
        from_subaccount: Some(SUB_ACCOUNT),
        to: principal_to_account_identifier(&to),
        created_at_time: None,

    let ledger = Principal::from_text(&LEDGER).unwrap();

    transfer(ledger, args).await

pub async fn verify_payment(
    from: AccountIdentifier,
    to: AccountIdentifier,
    amount: Tokens,
    block_index: BlockIndex,
) -> bool {
    let ledger = Principal::from_text(&LEDGER).unwrap();

    // We can use a length of block of 1 to find the block we are interested in
    // https://forum.dfinity.org/t/ledger-query-blocks-how-to/16996/4
    let response = blocks_since(ledger, block_index, 1).await.unwrap();

    fn payment_check(
        transaction: &Transaction,
        expected_from: AccountIdentifier,
        expected_to: AccountIdentifier,
        expected_amount: Tokens,
    ) -> bool {
        match &transaction.operation {
            None => (),
            Some(operation) => match operation {
                Operation::Transfer {
                    from, to, amount, ..
                } => {
                    return account_identifier_equal(expected_from, from.clone())
                        && account_identifier_equal(expected_to, to.clone())
                        && expected_amount.e8s() == amount.e8s();
                Operation::Mint { .. } => (),
                Operation::Burn { .. } => (),


        .any(|block| payment_check(&block.transaction, from, to, amount))

// Source: OpenChat
// https://github.com/open-ic/transaction-notifier/blob/cf8c2deaaa2e90aac9dc1e39ecc3e67e94451c08/canister/impl/src/lifecycle/heartbeat.rs
async fn blocks_since(
    ledger_canister_id: Principal,
    start: BlockIndex,
    length: u64,
) -> CallResult<Vec<Block>> {
    let response = query_blocks(ledger_canister_id, GetBlocksArgs { start, length }).await?;

    if response.archived_blocks.is_empty() {
    } else {
        async fn get_blocks_from_archive(range: ArchivedBlockRange) -> CallResult<GetBlocksResult> {
            let args = GetBlocksArgs {
                start: range.start,
                length: range.length,
            let func: Func = range.callback.into();
            let (response,) = call(func.principal, &func.method, (args,)).await?;

        // Adapt original code .archived_blocks.into_iter().sorted_by_key(|a| a.start)
        let mut order_archived_blocks = response.archived_blocks;
        order_archived_blocks.sort_by(|a, b| a.start.cmp(&b.start));

        // Get the transactions from the archive canisters
        let futures: Vec<_> = order_archived_blocks

        let archive_responses = join_all(futures).await;

        let results = archive_responses

            .flat_map(|r| r.unwrap().blocks)