ckBtc Ledger Canister - blocks address in from or to data

Hi! I’m developing an API in node + express who uses ckBtc minter and ledger canisters. This method get_blocks its called with 2 parameters and, from this, I receive an array of transactions.

This transactions, if are of type ‘Transfer’ have a from and a to values. I’m trying to get the “principal id” from this values, and I tried 2 ways but both fails. Both ways return to me the same address in all petitions. I try this ways:

Principal from blob:

const blobToPrincipal(values: number[]) => { 
  const uint8Array = new Uint8Array(32);
  for (const key in values) {
    uint8Array[key] = values[key];
  return Principal.from(uint8Array).toText();

values send from params in this function are the received in the response:

this way return me always the same Principal ID:


And with this another way, making an Identity and then obtaining the principal:

private getAddressFromUint8(values: Uint8Array): string {
    const uint8Array = new Uint8Array(32);
    for (const key in values) {
      uint8Array[key] = values[key];
    const identity = Ed25519KeyIdentity.fromSecretKey(uint8Array);
    const principal = identity.getPrincipal();
    return principal.toText();

and the Principal ID obtained is this:


I’m doing all this to make a sort of webhook, to search in my DB if the TO Principal ID value is one of my users and, if it is, notify them. This is running in a cronjob every 2 minutes.

Any idea of where Im making the mistake? Or a better way to do this? Is the only thing I need to finish my API. All the transfers, Principals are working, I only need to notify users when they received a deposit.