Is there a minimum cycle amount required to delete a canister from mainnet?

Here is the error I am getting. I simply created a boiler plate Motoko, React, II app, deployed it to mainnet, and want to delete and refund my cycles. Not sure what to do about the error below.

Installing temporary wallet in canister test_1_frontend to enable transfer of cycles.
Attempting to transfer 2980877079427 cycles to canister 3a2fd-paaaa-aaaap-abnna-cai.
Error: Failed to delete canister 'test_1_frontend'.
Caused by: Failed to delete canister 'test_1_frontend'.
  Failed to deposit 2980877079427 cycles into 3a2fd-paaaa-aaaap-abnna-cai.
    Failed to call update function 'deposit_cycles' regarding canister '3a2fd-paaaa-aaaap-abnna-cai'.
      Update call using wallet failed.
        The replica returned a rejection error: reject code CanisterError, reject message Canister 3slll-lyaaa-aaaap-ahdpa-cai is out of cycles, error code None

Assuming that you are using dfx canister delete canister_name --network ic within the project root (where dfx.json) to delete the canister on mainnet:

  1. What is the version that you are using?

  2. Can you please run dfx wallet balance --network ic and advise how many cycles you have?

I just want to know to confirm if you do not have enough cycles or if you need to update your dfx (there was a known bug and a release is coming soon).