Is there a ckBTC Dashboard like the ICP dashboard

Hi there,

I am wondering if there is or if anyone has made a ckBTC dashboard similar to the ICP dashboard. The basic functionality i need is an easy way to track principal/canister ckBTC balances overtime and being able to see transactions in and out.

If no one has made one I might be interested in making a basic one.

Thanks in advance.

The following link was shared by a colleague in another topic recently:

The ICP Dashboard supports ckBTC:

This is currently supported at the account level, not at the owner principal level. A principal can own several accounts. Looking at the simple case of a principal owning just a single account (i.e., the default account), the ICRC-1 account ID is the same as the principal ID. For example, here is the ICP Dashboard page for the ckBTC default account of principal ncctv-eivik-l2zss-rmxkp-bg36s-jiurm-qyj4j-c4lpg-wnaqg-fuhym-kqe.