We want to introduce Rechain, a Motoko library to enable developers to easily incorporate ledger functionalities with minimal overhead.
- Transparent ICRC3 compatible block creation independent of dapp specifc action/event types
- ICRC3 compatible block hashing before adding to the ledger
- Certification: creation and query of block certificates
- ICRC3 compatible archival management: creation, retrieval and cycle management
- Replication of Dapp/canister state evolution
Project github: https://github.com/Neutrinomic/rechain
Project tests/examples: https://github.com/Neutrinomic/rechain/tree/master/test
Use case 1: How to add ledger functionalities to your dapps/canisters
Use case 2: How to replicate the Dapp/canister state evolution up to a given time
This is a DeFi R&D package funded by the Neutrinomic Foundation, a core contributor to the Neutrinite DAO.