Introducing ICVC



We have updated our init file to align our time units across all inputs in order to resolve conversion and rounding issues due to month and year conversions being done differently by the NNS.This issue is detailed here for reference: SNS.yaml: month and year conversion to seconds

Furthermore, we have added a developer neuron in order to satisfy NNS conditions that at least one developer neuron be included in the SNS proposal. This developer neuron is configured as follows:

principal: mmutr-omtpf-yi6px-qu772-maqrn-hcr7h-lnwky-yrrqp-danlh-mi26q-bae
stake: 100 tokens
dissolve_delay: 6 months
vesting_period: 24 months
memo: 0

This developer neuron will be handled by the ICVC DAO development team and used to submit proposals and updates to the ICVC DAO SNS.

As a result of this technical requirement by the NNS, the ICVC DAO decentralisation swap will be for 19,999,900 $ICVC tokens of a total supply of 20,000,000 $ICVC tokens.


The ICVC DAO confirmation text has been added to the init file. Swap participants will be required to confirm the ICVC DAO’s terms and conditions in order to participate in the ICVC DAO SNS Swap.

Furthermore, the ICVC DAO Whitepaper and Operating Agreement have been updated to reflect community feedback.