Internet Identity name causing confusion at first glance. Suggestions?

After being aware of the IC for a bit over 1.5 years now, there have been several people on X, Youtube and other forums thinking that Internet Identity has something to do with ones personal ID meaning that one has to provide their ID to access or sign up to use Internet Computer. One of dozends of examples attached in the screenshot below.

I personally thought the same thing after hearing the name for the very first time. But after doing some research and looking in to it it was clear that it has nothing to do with ones personal ID or KYC.

I truly love Internet Identity and its properties and how smooth the whole thing works. Its the absolute best, smoothest and safest login method out there and i would not want to go back to anything else after using it.

The problem is with the name / branding - for new users looking or hearing about it for the very first time they confuse it with having to provide a ID or KYC a lot of the times.
Also after explaining it to somebody, you often have to explain straight away that “no no its not about that, it is the exact opposite…”
The name / branding causes confusion or resistance for new people that hear about it for the first time.

**Any thoughts on this and what could be done about it?

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The Foundation definitely needs to put a lot of thought into how they brand things. Branding matters otherwise companies wouldn’t spend so much money on experts to do it correctly. From my interactions with people I am onboarding to the Internet, generally, they do not want an Internet identity. However, they do want the features that the Internet identity provides. There is this confusion that the internet identity is some kind of KYC thing to use the internet. I’m not sure what can be done about it at this point but maybe some material that make it clear up front that the internet identity isn’t KYC. Please hire some experts in this field so that branding is not confusing and require less explanation.

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IMHO, just add information on the landing page of internet identity : “Internet Identity is an Anonymous Identity, and will not require any ID or KYC”.