icrc1/src/ICRC1/lib.mo:16.1-16.40: import error [M0010], package "StableTrieMap" not defined

I’m trying to add an ICRC token canister to an existing project that has other canisters.

I added the token canister to dfx.json, installed mops, and on deploy of the ICRC token canister, I get

   dfx deploy icrc_token

Deploying: icrc_token
All canisters have already been created.
Building canisters...
Error: Failed while trying to deploy canisters.
Caused by: Failed while trying to deploy canisters.
  Failed to build call canisters.
    Failed while trying to build all canisters.
      The build step failed for canister 'rno2w-sqaaa-aaaaa-aaacq-cai' (icrc_token) with an embedded error: Failed to build Motoko canister 'icrc_token'.: Failed to compile Motoko.: Failed to run 'moc'.: The command '"/Users/black/.cache/dfinity/versions/0.12.1/moc" "/Users/black/icp/b/backed_usd/src/icrc_token/Main.mo" "-o" "/Users/black/icp/b/backed_usd/.dfx/local/canisters/icrc_token/icrc_token.wasm" "-c" "--debug" "--idl" "--stable-types" "--public-metadata" "candid:service" "--actor-idl" "/Users/black/icp/b/backed_usd/.dfx/local/canisters/idl/" "--actor-alias" "icrc_token" "rno2w-sqaaa-aaaaa-aaacq-cai" "--package" "base" ".mops/base@0.7.4/src" "--package" "xtended-numbers" ".mops/xtended-numbers@0.1.1/src" "--package" "itertools" ".mops/itertools@0.1.1/src"' failed with exit status 'exit status: 1'.

/Users/black/icp/b/icrc1/src/ICRC1/lib.mo:16.1-16.40: import error [M0010], package "StableTrieMap" not defined

This is Main.mo in src/icrc_token in my project’s repo (I just pasted it verbatim for now): icrc1/main.mo at main · NatLabs/icrc1 · GitHub

The error arises here: icrc1/lib.mo at c9ff6c64ee1531f33bf3d4d43bcbbbed271008af · NatLabs/icrc1 · GitHub

It seems to be a problem with mops. It’s not installing the packages.

This is my mops.toml

base = "https://github.com/dfinity/motoko-base#moc-0.7.4"
array = "https://github.com/aviate-labs/array.mo#v0.2.0"
StableTrieMap = "https://github.com/NatLabs/StableTrieMap#main"
StableBuffer = "https://github.com/canscale/StableBuffer#v0.2.0"
xtended-numbers = "0.1.1"
itertools = "0.1.1"

name = "icrc1"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
repository = ""

and yet on deploy I get


(unknown location): package error [M0012], file ".mops/_github/StableBuffer@v0.2.0/src" (for package `StableBuffer`) does not exist
(unknown location): package error [M0012], file ".mops/_github/StableTrieMap@main/src" (for package `StableTrieMap`) does not exist
(unknown location): package error [M0012], file ".mops/_github/array@v0.2.0/src" (for package `array`) does not exist

@blabagastered what happens when you run mops install in your project

1 Like

It seems there was something to it because I have two repos now. The main one, that includes the ICRC token canister and others, and a separate one that is only the ICRC token.

They had gotten muddled up and when I ran mops install in the main one, it did install things. The other one had everything installed.

That allowed deployment of some of the canisters, but not of the ICRC token canister in the main repo. I got this error log:

black@MacBook-Pro backed_usd % dfx deploy backed_usd_icrc

Deploying: backed_usd_icrc
Creating canisters...
Creating canister backed_usd_icrc...
backed_usd_icrc canister created with canister id: rno2w-sqaaa-aaaaa-aaacq-cai
Building canisters...
Error: Failed while trying to deploy canisters.
Caused by: Failed while trying to deploy canisters.
  Failed to build call canisters.
    Failed while trying to build all canisters.
      The build step failed for canister 'rno2w-sqaaa-aaaaa-aaacq-cai' (backed_usd_icrc) with an embedded error: Failed to build Motoko canister 'backed_usd_icrc'.: Failed to compile Motoko.: Failed to run 'moc'.: The command '"/Users/black/.cache/dfinity/versions/0.12.1/moc" "/Users/black/icp/b/backed_usd/src/backed_usd_icrc/Main.mo" "-o" "/Users/black/icp/b/backed_usd/.dfx/local/canisters/backed_usd_icrc/backed_usd_icrc.wasm" "-c" "--debug" "--idl" "--stable-types" "--public-metadata" "candid:service" "--actor-idl" "/Users/black/icp/b/backed_usd/.dfx/local/canisters/idl/" "--actor-alias" "backed_usd_icrc" "rno2w-sqaaa-aaaaa-aaacq-cai" "--package" "base" ".mops/_github/base@moc-0.7.4/src" "--package" "array" ".mops/_github/array@v0.2.0/src" "--package" "StableTrieMap" ".mops/_github/StableTrieMap@main/src" "--package" "StableBuffer" ".mops/_github/StableBuffer@v0.2.0/src" "--package" "xtended-numbers" ".mops/xtended-numbers@0.1.1/src" "--package" "itertools" ".mops/itertools@0.1.1/src"' failed with exit status 'exit status: 1'.

/Users/black/icp/b/icrc1/src/ICRC1/lib.mo:346.27-346.33: type error [M0097], expected function type, but expression produces type
/Users/black/icp/b/icrc1/src/ICRC1/lib.mo:346.33-346.34: info, this looks like an unintended function call, perhaps a missing ';'?
/Users/black/icp/b/icrc1/src/ICRC1/lib.mo:346.27-346.33: type error [M0097], expected function type, but expression produces type
/Users/black/icp/b/icrc1/src/ICRC1/lib.mo:346.33-346.34: info, this looks like an unintended function call, perhaps a missing ';'?
/Users/black/icp/b/icrc1/src/ICRC1/lib.mo:346.34-346.49: type error [M0057], unbound variable _FFFF_FFFF_FFFF
/Users/black/icp/b/icrc1/src/ICRC1/lib.mo:354.28-354.66: type error [M0096], expression of type
cannot produce expected type

The ICRC-only repo says just:

black@MacBook-Pro icrc1 % mops install

All packages installed

Found the problem:

Part of it was that mops install hadn’t been run. There’s no explicit instruction to do it here GitHub - NatLabs/icrc1: A full implementation of the ICRC-1 fungible token standard nor in the mops instructions themselves: Internet Computer Content Validation Bootstrap, so I didn’t do it.

And part of it was that in trying to fix this file/line icrc1/lib.mo at c9ff6c64ee1531f33bf3d4d43bcbbbed271008af · NatLabs/icrc1 · GitHub I saved the file, and the auto-formatting-on-save tool I have (not sure which) broke the file on save.

I re-pasted the original lib.mo, saved it without formatting, and it now worked.