How can help me rectify this error?

Building canisters…
Error: Failed while trying to build all canisters.
Caused by: Failed while trying to build all canisters.
The build step failed for canister ‘be2us-64aaa-aaaaa-qaabq-cai’ (Crowdfund_backend) with an embedded error: Failed to build Motoko canister ‘Crowdfund_backend’.: Failed to compile Motoko.: Failed to run ‘moc’.: The command ‘“/home/sazalo/.cache/dfinity/versions/0.18.0/moc” “/home/sazalo/Your-Charity/final_project/Crowdfund/src/Crowdfund_backend/” “-o” “/home/sazalo/Your-Charity/final_project/Crowdfund/.dfx/local/canisters/Crowdfund_backend/Crowdfund_backend.wasm” “-c” “–debug” “–idl” “–stable-types” “–public-metadata” “candid:service” “–public-metadata” “candid:args” “–actor-idl” “/home/sazalo/Your-Charity/final_project/Crowdfund/.dfx/local/canisters/idl/” “–actor-alias” “Crowdfund_backend” “be2us-64aaa-aaaaa-qaabq-cai” “–package” “base” “/home/sazalo/.cache/dfinity/versions/0.18.0/base”’ failed with exit status ‘exit status: 1’.

/home/sazalo/Your-Charity/final_project/Crowdfund/src/Crowdfund_backend/ syntax error [M0001], unexpected token ‘=’, expected one of token or sequence:
; seplist(<dec_field>,)
|> <exp_bin(ob)>
or <exp_bin(ob)>
implies <exp_bin(ob)>
: <typ_nobin>
→ <typ_nobin>
and <exp_bin(ob)>
when i run the below code import Http “mo:base/Http”;

actor DonateFormHandler {

// Define the HTTP service
service : Http.Canister = Http.service;

// Define the endpoint to handle the donation form submission
public func donate(name : Text, amount : Nat, message : Text) : async Text {
    // Convert the amount to Text for concatenation
    let amountText = Nat.toText(amount);

    // Process the donation here
    // For demonstration purposes, let's just return a success message
    return "Donation successful. Thank you, " # name # "! Amount: " # amountText;

// HTTP request handler for the "/donate" endpoint
public query func handleRequest(request : Http.Request) : async Http.Response {
    switch (request.method) {
        case Http.Method.POST:
            switch (request.url.path) {
                case [] : // Root path
                    // Parse form data
                    let name = request.body.get("name")?;
                    let amount = request.body.getNat("amount")?;
                    let message = request.body.get("message")?;

                    // Call the donate function with form data
                    let responseText = await donate(name, amount, message);

                    // Return a success response
                    return Http.Response.text(responseText);
                    return Http.Response.notFound();
            return Http.Response.methodNotAllowed();

// Start the HTTP service
public func start() : async () {
    await service.start(handleRequest, null);


// Entrypoint
public func main() : async () {
await DonateFormHandler.start();

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I think you were missing a let before service and a semicolon further down (see comments)

I resolved the problem thank you.