|72|Minimal Event-Driven Pub-Sub Standard|Austin Fatheree (@skilesare),Ilia Agafonov @ava-vs, Byron Becker @byronbecker, Ethan Celletti @gekctek, Lachlan Witham, Zhenya Usenko, Matthew Harmon|https://github.com/dfinity/ICRC/issues/72|Draft|Standards Track|Protocols|2024-09-24|
# ICRC-72: Minimal Event-Driven Pub-Sub Standard
ICRC-72, the Minimal Event-Driven Pub-Sub Standard, is designed to establish a robust framework for implementing publish-subscribe messaging patterns on the Internet Computer. This standard facilitates the communication and synchronization of data across different canisters, enabling them to subscribe to and publish events effectively. By formalizing the interactions between Publishers, Subscribers, and Broadcasters, ICRC-72 aims to enhance the interoperability, scalability, and efficiency of decentralized applications on the Internet Computer.
The publish-subscribe pattern, a pivotal architectural style, allows components of distributed systems to exchange information asynchronously. This pattern decouples the service provider (Publisher) from the service consumers (Subscribers), using an event-driven approach that promotes loose coupling and dynamic network topologies. ICRC-72 leverages these benefits to provide a standardized mechanism where canisters can subscribe to specific types of messages and react to them, without needing to poll or maintain a direct linkage to the message originators.
Key components of ICRC-72 include:
- **Publishers** who generate and send messages to Broadcasters.
- **Broadcasters** who receive messages from Publishers and distribute them to all registered Subscribers. When a Broadcaster sends an event notification to a broadcaster on a different subnet it is referred to as an **Event Relayer**.
- **Subscribers** who listen for messages of interest from Broadcasters and process them accordingly.
- **Orchestrator** who manages network topography, subscriptions, publications, and assignments.
This standard describes how these roles interact within the Internet Computer ecosystem, detailing the methods, data structures, and protocols necessary for establishing effective and secure communication channels. ICRC-72 also offers flexible configurations to support various messaging patterns, such as FIFO (First In, First Out), priority-based message delivery, and resilient message handling in the face of temporary canister outages.
## Data Representations
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